Taking Flight with Michael "Rocket" Blackstone

Episode 7: What Are The Best (And Worst) Traits of Pilots?

Michael "Rocket" Blackstone Season 1 Episode 7

In this episode, Michael highlights the optimal traits and personality characteristics of  the best  pilots he has had the pleasure of flying with over the last 30 years. There are many similarities between all pilots when it comes to following Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), following the checklist, attention to detail, discipline, and honing our flying skills. There are so many ways we pilots get extraordinaryly good at managing our careers and our personal lives. Michael then digs a bit deeper and goes into some of the sacrifices, shortcomings, and deficiencies that become an accomplished  pilot has had on his personal life. For every action (or lack thereof),  there is an equal and opposite reaction, or some  consequences that will be manifested for everything we do. Taking massive action will reap many rewards in this arena, but always be cognizant of the potential ramifications of how your actions or your delivery may be received by others who don't fly for a living. Be kind. Be understanding. Be patient. Life is about striking a balance. Like your aircraft you must find your personal center of gravity and stay within the limits.